Saturday, December 20, 2008

Top 10 Smart Foods

You might hear that crossword puzzles alone won't save your brain and protect it from aging. Yes, it helps. But we really need the right foods to supply the brain enough nutrition needed to postpone the aging process it takes in the brain. There are 10 foods believed to make brain stay healthy, and smart, as well.
1, Nuts. Nuts are rich in antioxidants, which mop up the free radicals in body and also can lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Almond and walnut are the best among them. Walnut also is rich in omega-3s.
2, Grape juice. Drinking red wine in moderation increases longevity. But since alcohol slows down the brain's ability to function properly, grape juice maybe a better choice. Grape juice significantly improves short-term memory and motor skill. It's not just the antioxidant, it increases production of the neurotransmittr dopamine.
3, Hot cocoa. Only 2 tablespoons of pure cocoa powser contains almost 2 times more oxidants than rew wine. Drink hot even better in cold winter.
4, Blueberries. Blueberries are abandant of antioxidants. It has a good affect on the blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure can damage delicate blood cell in the brain.
5, Spinach. Spinach is full of antioxidant power, which can slow down age-related problems in the central nervous system and congnitive deficits.
6, Dark leafy vegetables. It's believed that folate, B12 and B6 vitamins found in dark leafy vegetables can help breakdown the homocysteins, which has a toxic effect on arterial walls. Normally you can find lots of leafy vegetables in Asian grocery stores.
7,Whole grains and brown rice. Whole grains contain B6 vitamin, which reduce the level of homocysteine. Brown rice is full of vitamins and megnesium.
8, Garlic. Garlic is not only rich in antioxidants, it also contains strong antibacterial and antiviral compounds that help shake off stree-induced colds and infections. Raw, crushed is better than cooked.
9, Olive oil. The antioxidant in olive oil is called "polyphenols", which has been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
10, Salmond, Sardines and Herring. Thoses fishes are abandant of Omega-3 fatty acids. The higher level of omega-3s in the blood, the higher of the serotonin level. It is a mood-enchancing brain chemical.
So, find and eat those food and stay healthy and smart.

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