Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Grapeseed Oil - A Must In Your Kitchen

Before we even know it, the Grapeseed Oil has been produced and enjoyed for its health benefits in Europe for centuries. It has less saturated fat then olive oil and higher smoking temperature, which allows to fry foods without breaking the oil into other coponents.

The light and delicate flavor of grapeseed oil also allow the flavor of fresh foods to come through. It is a best and natural choice for sauteing and baking and frying as well.

Grapeseed oil is also a good source of vitamin E alpha, an important antioxidant. It's called procyandanian, which has been successfully used to help vascular disease. It is also 50 times more potent as an antioxidant than vitamin E or C.

Grapeseed oil is one of the natural foods known to raise HDL (good cholesterol), which appears to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) by loosing it from the arterial wall so it can be carried to the river for elimination. The studies have shown that for each % increase in HDL there is a 3 - 4 % decrease in the incidence of cardiac events. The study conducted by Dr. David T. Nash of State University of New York Health Science Center shows that people included a small amount of grapeseed oil daily in a low fat diet over only a 4 weeks period ecperienced an increase of 13% in HDL, and 7% decrease of LDL.

There are many different type of grapeseed oils in the market now. The best one is from cool press technique, which involves no chemical solvents. So, read the label while buying this healthy oil for your kitchen, and enjoy.

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